Friday, October 10, 2008

No posts for a while.. time to do something about that.

So.. I havent posted for a while, lots of stuff going on at work and at home so I been super busy..
Been riding my bike as much as the weather will permit, I aint going to ride it to work and leave it standing in the rain all day, I'd like to keep it as rust free as possible.. a hard task in this part of the country.
There is this other guy that works in the same building as me that rides an old p.o.s. Virago that leaks more oil than the Troll A platform and has a seat that is mostly duct tape.. now, if the guy rode it that ragged in all kinds of weather for the right reason, fine. thats cool. but his reasoning, its cheaper fuel-wise.. What the fuck man!? go get a prius and shut up allready. If your riding a bike purely for the economy of it then you missed something.

right, now that thats off my chest..

I'll try to get some images up this weekend of my bike and helmet with their new Death machine stickers! (thanks Kyle for the stickers and T-shirts.. but man oh man.. XL in the states is a fucking TENT here in Norway.. so medium stuff for me from now on.. )

so, for now.. my desctop background from my secondary PC at work.. something I threw together while waiting for renders to finish.. sorry to all the people whos websites I have pillaged to make it..and yea. .thats a jaguar x-type.. I like 'em.. I might buy one next year.. who knows..